mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

Be Inspired: approvati i nuovi progetti Life

La Commissione europea ha approvato il finanziamento di 225 nuovi progetti nel quadro del programma LIFE+, il fondo per l’ambiente dell’Unione europea. 

I progetti selezionati prevedono interventi negli ambiti della tutela della natura, dei cambiamenti climatici, delle tecnologie pulite, delle politiche ambientali, nonché azioni attinenti all’informazione e alla comunicazione in materia di ambiente in tutta l’UE. 

L’investimento complessivo è pari a 589,3 milioni di euro, di cui 282,6 milioni di contributo dell’UE. L'Italia conferma il feeling con il programma Life: 47 progetti finanziati per 96,7 milioni di euro di sovvenzione.
Ecco i dettagli dei progetti italiani.

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance (35 projects – 69.6 million)
LIFE EVERGREEN (University of Florence - Department of Agri-Food Production Sciences and of Environment): The project will demonstrate the in-vitro and in-vivo efficacy and reliability of the polyphenolic-based bio molecules recovered from agricultural non-food biomasses and wastes as disease control products against phytopathogenic bacteria and nematodes. It will show the bio molecules’ suitability as a replacement for current commercial pesticides and copper salts in conventional and organic agriculture. Optimised field treatments will also be carried out on several plants and crops having a high commercial value and used here as a model (olive, kiwi fruit, potato, tobacco).
LIFE SMART4Action (Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali – Corpo forestale dello Stato): This project intends to re-shape forest monitoring and its information and reporting system in Italy, to facilitate its financial sustainability. It will do this by designing a new system to substantially reduce the costs and to value the importance of the present information in relation to national and regional statistics on key variables linked to sustainable forest management and ecosystem services. It will also improve communication, information and data transfer to a wide range of stakeholders, in order to promote awareness, support forest monitoring and consolidation of knowledge about key forest variables for different stakeholders. Contact:
LIFE REPLACE BELT (Plastic Metal S.p.A.): This project aims to prove the efficacy of a new modular conveyor belt made from 100% recycled plastics. Standard conveyor belts are made of PVC, synthetic rubber or virgin plastic, thus the new system will substitute these virgin elements with secondary materials and demonstrate a tight tolerance application for recycled plastics. Contact:
LIFE BIOCOPACPlus (Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari): This project aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility and the effectiveness at industrial scale of the production of a bio-lacquer obtained from tomato waste and its use as a coating for food contact applications in metal cans. Contact:
LIFE – MERMAIDS (Italian National Research Council (CNR)): The main objective of the LIFE - MERMAIDS project is to contribute to the mitigation of the impact caused by micro and/or nanoplastic particles resulting from laundry wastewater on European seas’ ecosystems, by demonstrating and implementing innovative technologies and additives for laundry processes and textile finishing treatments.Contact:
LIFE SEMENte parTEcipata (University of Florence – Department of Agri-Food Production Sciences and of Environment): This project aims to create and maintain a composite cross population of durum wheat germplasm (Triticum turgidum subsp durum L.) and other species of the genus Triticum through evolutionary genetic improvement to create agro-systems that are more resistant to climate change.Contact:
LIFE+ DIGITALIFE (GranitiFiandre SpA): The objective of the project is to demonstrate an innovative approach to the production of photocatalytic surfaces, by using digital printing technology. This represents an important paradigm shift for state-of-the-art titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating processes.
LIFE GIOCONDA (Institute of Clinical Physiology - National Research Council): The main objective is to provide local authorities with an innovative methodology that can effectively support policies on environment and health, by involving young people in decision-making processes. Data relating to air and noise pollution conditions will be collected in four cities and assessed by the risk perception of teenagers, and their willingness-to-pay for local services related to environmental health issues. This information will be used to develop and test an online platform to facilitate the application of environmental and health risk governance and policies. Contact:
HFree Life Pickling (Rivit SpA): The project aims to develop a new process of electrolytic pickling for duplex and special stainless steel, welded and seamless pipes. The process should be comparable in outputs with current chemical pickling, but without the need for hydrofluoric or other acids, or for other toxic or harmful substances. The new process will also reduce treatment time. Contact:
AUTOPLAST-LIFE (Valsir S.p.A.): This project aims to develop a system for the recovery and recycling of special plastic waste from the automotive sector. The system will include a network for the selective collection of vehicles’ waste tanks and reservoirs, as well as a pilot recycling plant to generate recyclable secondary material. Contact:
LIFE-AGRICARE (Veneto Agricoltura): The overall goal of the project is to demonstrate that the introduction of new integrated agriculture applications, incorporating precision farming technologies, have significant potential in terms of energy saving and greenhouse gas reductions.
LIFE NATURe (S.A.C.ME. S.R.L.): This project aims to demonstrate a new, environmentally friendly process for recycling light alloy chips that are oxidised or contaminated by lubricants or coolants. It aims to use the recycled metal in the production of high-quality wire made with an outer shell of recycled light alloys. Contact:
LIFE+ inREACH (Ticass s.c.r.l.): The objective of the project is to streamline REACH and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) compliance checks for goods imported into the European Economic Area and the EU customs space, by simplifying access to and tracking of relevant REACH and CLP information, such as substance identity, registrant identity, substance registration status, safety datasheets and the presence of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). This will facilitate transit through EU main access points, while ensuring proper data security and correct policies for access to them, in order to preserve confidentiality, industrial and intellectual property rights. Contact:
LIFE GREENJOIST (IMAL Srl): This project aims to demonstrate the economic and environmental feasibility of an eco-innovative recycling process that is able to reuse and valorise wood waste to produce green, high-quality and cost-effective joists for different industrial sectors (e.g. manufacturing, transportation, logistics and construction). Contact:
PHOTOLIFE (ECO RECYCLING SRL): This project aims to reduce the overall environmental impact of photovoltaic modules across their lifecycle by constructing a pilot treatment plant for end-of-life photovoltaic panels. Using relatively simple and mild physical and chemical operations, it aims to achieve a wide level of recycling and recovery of valuable raw materials in line with the WEEE Directive.
LIFE SAM4CP (Provincia di Torino): The project aims to create an easy-to-use simulator that will allow territorial decision makers to include the ecological functions of soil within the assessment of the environmental and economic costs and benefits associated with possible urban planning and land-use measures and choices. The simulator will allow different territorial transformation scenarios to be assessed according to the seven main ecological functions provided by soil in order to integrate these functions – and their potential gain or loss – into the decision-making process.
LIFE – DYNAMAP (ANAS S.p.A.): The project aims to develop a dynamic noise mapping system that is able to detect and represent in real time the acoustic impact of road infrastructure. This will help implement the European Noise Directive, which requires the updating of noise maps every five years. The project will develop an integrated system for automated data acquisition and processing of road noise.
LIFE in SustainaBuilding (Mamma Rosa’s Project S.r.l.): The overall objective of the project is to set up a demonstration production line for valorising various waste materials including unsorted glass waste that are currently sent to landfill. It specifically aims to recycle this waste to produce innovative construction materials – such as bricks, panels, wall coverings, and internal and external flooring.
LIFE RINASCE (Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale): This project aims to reduce the risk of flooding and achieve good ecological status of the waters in the Po floodplain through ecological restoration of the channel network and vegetation management. It aims to demonstrate the feasibility and environmental and socio-economic benefits of such measures on a large floodplain area.
LIFE CARWASTE (PAL srl): The project plans to develop and demonstrate an innovative technology and process to facilitate the re-use of ‘fluff’ materials in cement and steel plants in line with the lifecycle management of end-of-life vehicles. It will design and construct a pilot plant that aims to finely separate small shredded car waste materials and to recover and recycle component materials for the production of high quality fuel for cement and steel plants, meeting EU regulations on standards for solid recovered fuels.Contact:
LIFE ECODEFATTING (Chemical Department "Ugo Schiff" - Florence University): The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using innovative, environmentally-friendly products for the defatting phase of the leather tanning process. The project aims to replace toxic chemical products with natural products from renewable sources, avoiding the use of defatting agents which contain chlorinated molecules and favour the transformation of chromium III into chromium VI during the disposal of waste leather and used leather articles. Contact:
LIFE PERSUADED (Istituto Superiore di Sanità): The project aims to increase knowledge and understanding of both the levels of Bisphenol A and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate in children and their mothers, and the links between exposure to these endocrine disruptors and developmental and health problems in children, thus helping to reduce exposure and reduce risks from endocrine disruptors.
LIFE+ COBRA (Brembo S.p.A.): This project aims to demonstrate a completely novel brake pad technology, based on the use of cement instead of phenolic resins. It plans to reduce emissions of harmful chemicals and particulate matter from the production and use of brake pads, while maintaining braking performance compared to conventional current technologies. Contact:
LIFE GREEN GAS NETWORK (Pietro Fiorentini SpA): The project aims to demonstrate the applicability of a new management and control system to regulate pressure levels in natural gas distribution networks. It will implement new software to manage remote communication between devices on the network and a control centre and process data in real time to optimise pressure on each branch of the network. The system is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from gas leaks from the system by at least 3%. Contact:
MAGNHEAT-LIFE (SAET SPA): This project aims to demonstrate the first full-scale industrial application of a novel direct current induction-heating furnace for aluminium extrusion. The project intends to show that this innovative technique could be a Best Available Technique. Contact:
Life (Saint-Gobain PPC ITALIA S.P.A.): The project’s main aim focuses on implementing an innovative recycling/waste management system for bitumen-polymer wastes and glass wool scraps. It will do this through the realisation of the two pilot plants established to recover bitumen-polymer membranes and insulation mineral materials. These materials can be valued, prepared for reuse, and then converted back in the production cycle for new goods containing bitumen-polymer and glass wool.
LIFE for life's material (Caleffi Srl): The project aims to develop and test two innovative technologies:cryogenic machining and spark plasma sintering. Either technique alone would not allow reprocessing or recovery of titanium chips on site, but used in conjunction they open the way for a completely new approach to machining and closed cycles with zero waste production. The project will thus combine the two technologies to develop a small demonstration line for complete and direct recycling of titanium chips, and the chip removal process (about 1 500 kg/year). Contact:
LIFE-Inno.Pro.Wire (Officine Maccaferri SpA): The project aims to develop and demonstrate an innovative process for the production of extruded steel wires, with lower environmental impact compared to the conventional process. The innovation is based on the use of a new polyamide coating for steel wires called PA6, which is used instead of PVC, to improve environmental and technical performance. The new process will be demonstrated on an extrusion line, in which softened metal is forced through a shape to produce a continuous ribbon of wire product. Contact:
LIFE MED (CAUTO Cantiere Autolimitazione Cooperative Sociali a.r.l): This project aims to improve waste management for discarded medical equipment, with environmental, economic and social benefits. It will do so by implementing a new integrated management system for discarded medical equipment, in particular biomedical devices and by correcting management of medical waste, by means of the specific characterisation of medical WEEE. Contact:
LIFE long WASTE-FREE LLWF (Meditalia s.r.l.): The project aims to introduce an innovative method of measuring real-time moisture content of polymers to be recycled, and to adjust the de-moisturising treatment according to the data acquired in order to avoid the formation of over-treated materials. This novel method of dehumidification during PVC production is expected to reduce energy consumption, the use of raw materials and chemical additives, the production of waste, and to generally optimise the production cycle. Contact:
GREEN LIFE (Gruppo Dani S.p.A.): This project aims to develop new technologies to reduce the environmental impact of the leather processing industry. It specifically plans to introduce an enzymatic and oxidative liming process to produce leather of the same quality, with reduced environmental costs. This will correspondingly reduce the volume of harmful waste by-products - such as solid waste containing chromium and sulphates. It will also reduce the volume of unwanted hazardous emissions to the air.
CSMON-LIFE (Università degli Studi di Trieste - Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita): The project aims to contribute to a new strategic approach, by enlarging and improving the knowledge base for biodiversity policies in Italy, one of the EU countries with the highest biodiversity. This goal will be achieved by promoting active collaboration amongst scientists, public administrations and citizens in discovering, monitoring and protecting biodiversity, thus providing a further contribution to the needs of policy-makers.Contact:
AIS LIFE (Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Agroalimentari e dell'Ambiente (DISPAA)): The overall objective of this project is to develop an information base to enable policy-makers dealing with environment and health issues to better manage pollen-related allergic respiratory diseases. Contact:
SNOW-LIFE (A.S.O. SIDERURGICA SRL): The project’s main goals focus on demonstrating the potential of SNOW technology to act as a cost-effective waste reduction and reuse solution for white slag (and associated frazzled refractory linings) from EU steel plants. An innovative system will be tested to verify optimal operational parameters for recovering free lime, dololime and magnesium oxide from white slag and exhausted refractory materials. The recovery process will include the reintroduction of the materials directly back into the steelmaking process, thereby substituting 30-50% of the lime additive presently purchased.Contact:
LIFE+ K-12 (Dow Italia S.r.l.): This project aims to demonstrate at pre-industrial scale a novel insulation material that uses CO2 as a blowing agent and has a zero Ozone Depletion Potential and minimum Global Warming Potential. The use of the new foam could lead to the development of more energy efficient fridges and other cold appliances, with energy consumption reduced by some 50% and 20% respectively, in comparison with the best in the class labeled A+/A++. (Relevant to Climate Change).
LIFE+ Nature (10 projects – 24.2 million)
SUN LIFE (Regione Umbria - Servizio Sistemi Naturalistici e Zootecnia)The aim of the project is to draw up a strategy for the the effective and sustainable management of the entire network of Natura 2000 sites in Umbria. The project intends to achieve and maintain favourable conservation status of the habitats and species in these sites by identifying targeted conservation measures and restoring ecological connectivity and functionality. Contact:
LIFE AGREE (Provincia di Ferrara - Settore Ambiente ed Agricoltura): The overall objective of the project is the long-term conservation of Natura 2000 habitats and species of a delta coastal lagoon in the Province of Ferrara, by means of integrated management that exploits the dynamism of the lagoon and its constant sedimentary deposit. Contact:
LIFE PLUTO (Ente Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga): The main objective of this project is to favour the conservation of brown bears, wolves and scavenger raptors in Italy, carrying out large-scale measures to combat the illegal use of poison. A cornerstone of the project will be the deployment of Anti-Poisoning Dog Units across much of Italy. Contact:
LIFE RES MARIS (Amministrazione Provinciale di Cagliari - Settore Ambiente): This project targets the Province of Cagliari and is mainly concerned with addressing the negative impacts of the introduction of invasive alien species to its native habitats. The overall objectives are to reduce and/or eliminate the threat to the habitats from invasive plant species and to restore sensitive areas and help them recover.
LIFE MIRCO-lupo (Ente Parco nazionale dell'Appennino tosco-emiliano): The project aims to improve conditions for wolf conservation, addressing some anthropogenic threats connected with the presence of stray dogs in the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park. Contact:
SOSS DUNES LIFE (Municipality of Sant'Anna Arresi): This project focuses on safeguarding and managing the south-western Sardinian dunes, a protected habitat that faces significant pressure caused by mass tourism. The main objective is to apply the best possible practices and demonstration actions to protect the habitats, in particular the coastal juniper dunes, and to establish a common approach for their long-term protection. Contact:
RESTO CON LIFE (Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano): This project aims to improve the conservation of various seabirds and other bird species and habitats in the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. This will be achieved mainly by restoring habitats and by the eradication of alien animal and plant species to restore natural insular communities and/or to improve breeding performances of autochthonous
LIFE WHALESAFE (Università degli Studi di Genova): The project will develop an interference avoidance system, aimed at detecting and tracking sperm whales, identifying the threats and preventing collisions and other risks by issuing warning messages in real time to the ships on the area. A protocol for reducing the disturbance and strike risks will be drafted and agreed by stakeholders involved, in cooperation with the local coastguard. Contact:
PAN LIFE (Regione Calabria - Settore Cooperazione e Internazionalizzazione): The main goal of the project is to produce a programme for the for the long-term management of the entire Calabria region Natura 2000 network and for its restoration to a satisfactory state of conservation, ecological and functional coherence. Contact:
LIFE BARBIE (Università degli Studi di Parma): The project’s main objective is to preserve and restore native populations of the Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis) and the Italian barbel (Barbus plebejus) in 14 Natura 2000 network sites in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, distributed along a wide geographic area, from the Apennines to the Po plain. Contact:
LIFE+ Biodiversity (2 projects – 3.0 million)
LIFE U-SAVEREDS (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale): The main goal of this project is the conservation of the European red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in Umbria and of biodiversity in the Apennines ecosystems. Another primary goal is to obtain a broad consensus among public opinion in support of management actions. These actions will include the humane capture and eradication of invasive grey squirrels in accordance with animal welfare laws. Contact:
SelPiBioLife (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - Centro di Ricerca per la Selvicoltura): The main objective of the project is to demonstrate the potential of an innovative silvicultural treatment to enhance the level of biodiversity in the soil of black pine stands. Soil biodiversity will be analysed according to its main components (flora, fungi, bacteria, mesofauna, nematods and microarthropods). A key goal of the project is to evaluate the effects of selective thinning on soil biodiversity in young black pine stands. Contact:

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